Monday, April 02, 2007

Hong Kong!

Hong Kong was so fun, catching up with people who I haven't seen for way too long and exploring the awesome city.

Ray and Steph came to meet me in town where the Airport express dropped me off. Spent a little while gawking at the awesome skyscrapers and taking pics. I love the look of the city at night, it's really beautiful. Lots of things about the city (road signs, buses etc) remind me of London as it used to be a colony, but it's sort of like London from the future or something.

Steph drove us up to The Peak, where you get a great view of HK at night, then we had a little wander round, look from a viewpoint, then the three of us just retired to Ray's place for a couple of Tsing Taos.

Next morning, see the view from my room in Ray's flat, he lives in an area called Metro City Phase 2, and the name and the view give the place a serious Midgar feel (even more so at night.)

We went down to Causeway Bay, where, like seeinly everywhere in Hong Kong at any time of the day, there was a large crowd bustling around. It was interesting to see a successfully biligual society at work, all adverts etc in both Chinese and English, and shopkeepers etc speaking Cantonese but the second you say 'hello' switching to English. Having said that, some of HK's engrish tops Japan's, check the tee.

In the evening we met up with Eugene! Haven't seen him since first year of Uni and it was awesome to catch up. He took us for a great meal on Nutsford Terrace and then to a stylish chilled little wine bar somewhere where we reminisced over a few drinks. After dinner we went to get the ferry back across the harbour but we forgot it closed at midnight and so just wandered down star street (HK's walk of fame type thing, stars for Chinese movie stars, I only knew a couple.) There's a statue of Bruce Lee guarding the HK skyline, pretty cool.

Next day we went into central and met up with Farah! She drove us round in her rather swish convertible through the city, picking up Steph, then out to a quieter area on the coast, Nathan, where we ate HK specialities (living in Japan has made me care about these things) pineapple cake and egg tart, before heading off to Big Wave Bay, seeing the opposite side of HK form the bustling skyscrapers. Then we headed back to Fa's for a wonderful meal with her family and BEN (the cutest dog ever.)

We went out in Wan Chai, but as it was the weekend of the Rugby 7's (a big deal there) there were a few too many seedy 40 something beer bellied rugby fans for our liking so headed to Lan Kwai where we drank in the street, and met up with Alex and Sam from Uni before we all retired to a cool little bar that we'd spotted on the walk over.

Next day was a lesson in Chinese bureaucracy、we took the train out to Shen Zhen, the border, because it seemed that on a British passport you could get a 72 hour visa for the special economic area only (we triple checked with a travel agent, someone who works at the border, and on the net) but when we got there, after officially departing HK (passport check, departure card and all) they only offered us a really expensive 5 day visa which was pointless. It wasn't a language barrier thing either, as Candy pleaded with them in Mandarin but to no avail. Took ages to get back as well, as a Chinese official took our passports somewhere for ages to make the neccesary DENIED arrangements. Ah well. We took the train back and went for a traditional Hong Kong meal (where ordering form the menu seems akin to playing Bingo), where I tried some new foods like Chickens Foot and Pig's Ear. (I couldnt eat much of either.)

Then we hit an amazing place: Sneaker Street. A whole street of packed shops absolutely bursting from the floor to the ceiling with different trainers. Pretty cheap too, especially compared to Japan (for example some new Dunk SBs there were 50pounds whereas they're 75 here.) The main difference compared to Japan was that as the choice was so much greater, there were a lot of not so great kicks in there with the nice ones, (whereas in Japan there are less but the average quality would be higher) but seeking them out is part of the fun anyway! Came away with a nice little pair, see right.

In the evening me Ray and Candy went out to Lan Kwai again, met up with Fa, Steph, Eugene, Rich (who used to live on my street in Uni but is now out in HK teaching some English, yet another 'small world' moment) and some of Fa's friends before heading to Kee Club for Fa's freidns party which was a cool place , then to a vodka bar before HK snack (kebab equivalent) then a taxi home where everyone was out like a light except Steph.

Final day got up for some delicious dim sum around lunch, me Ray Candy and Steph in the Metro City complex itself (it's kind of like living actually in the shopping center, see the pic below of Ray's flat). Did a bit more shopping (they've got computer centres that and wandering round with Ray and Step, met up with Eugene and Fa for sad goodbyes before they put me on the bus for the airport, which was much better then the airport express train, besides being about a fifth of the price I could sit at the front upstairs and watch the beautiful night views of HK speed past.

Great trip, it was so good to see some of my Uni family again! Today, one day back at work, went with some other teachers to watch our school play in the baseball championships. We lost, but it was loads of fun, and four of us went for a coffee afterwards. Hori sensei is the funniest guy in the staffroom. "5 days in Hong Kong! Such a long time. (then in English). "I think you met a ..... lady... and.... played a...." I wish.

Tomorrow is spring break part 2, heading to Tokyo stopping off at various places with Ray. Woo!

1 comment:

牛步千里 said...

wow!!!! wonderful blog..

Hongkong is verrrryyy beautiful..