Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Fukuyama II - Rose's Bday and Onomichi

Headed back west to Fukuyama in Hiroshima prefecture over the weekend for Rose's birthday. On Friday, we ate at a cool little French restaurant in Fuk called 'Les Enfants Terribles'. Perfect example of how Japan absorbs ideas but keeps them Japan flavoured: the whole place is oozing French atmosphere, the 5 course dinner is very much French influenced, but then you still sit on the floor cross legged under a table less than a foot high, and eat all the food with chopsticks. Cool place.

Headed on to a little bar for her friend Jess' leaving do as she was leaving JET early and heading home to New Zealand, sad. I only met Jess a couple of times but she was lovely and her and Rose were close and everyone was a bit :o( .

Next day Trish and I headed to Onomichi, a little town on the inland sea a few stops away on the local train. I'm guessing it had more than a little to do with the company, but I really enjoyed this place. It has a sort of wistful feel to it, small areas are run down, others desperately wish they were touristy, the sun was out and we wandered down some rustic streets round and about. Chilled in a little cafe next to the water for a while before walking to take the ropecar thing up to a little peak where you get beautiful views of a number of the islands in the inland sea. The weather was great and we could see for a long way. Obligatory day out ice cream later, back to Fuk for Rose's bigger bday night, at a Beer Garden! Beer garden's are a great idea of Japan's, on top of a department store or something similar, open the roof up (or, er, cover it over for no reason in the case of this one) for an all you can drink and eat fun. Was really cool, then headed to some little club to listen to small city rock club music (and surreptitiously snap pictures of the barman whose hair I want mine to be cut like).

Sunday morning just chilled, me and Trish watched the Ghibli movie Nausicca which I've been wanting to for ages but never got round to, very cool. Later in the afternoon, met up with Rose and Hannah who were having a little picnic in Fukuyama Museum of Art grounds next to a cool red scultpure and kids practicing breakdancing to melodius funk from a small stereo. Chatted and said my goodbyes (nice to catch up with people from home home), then back to the old Osaka. Shit, time is going/has gone fast. Shit.

Oh yeah in that area, they have the Asahi group running some things, and I LOVE their logo, simple but brilliant.

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